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KIEU Linh Valverde

Co-Founder, TAC

Associate Professor of Asian American Studies

Founding Director, New Viet Nam Studies Initiative

University of California, Davis


DR. KIEU-LINH CAROLINE VALVERDE is an Associate Professor of Asian American Studies and Founding Director of the New Viet Nam Studies Initiative at the University of California, Davis. She was a Fulbright, Rockefeller, and Luce scholar. She authored Transnationalizing Viet Nam: Community, Culture, and Politics in the Diaspora (Temple University Press 2012).


Professor Valverde founded the movement ‘Fight the Tower’ with women of color and in the academy and co-edited the anthology, Fight the Tower: Asian American Women Scholars’ Resistance and Renewal in the Academy (Rutgers University Press 2020). She was a part of the Mixed Race movement of the 1980s and over the years contributed to writings and advocacy work on Vietnamese Amerasians.


Professor Valverde is working on curating an exhibit on development in contemporary Viet Nam through the lens of Viet Nam’s national dress, the Ao Dai. She is also working on her third manuscript, which will examine national (re)imaging projects with a focus on Viet Nam’s development in the area of sustainability and sovereignty. Her future research project looks at spirit realm beliefs and the history of its exclusion from the US academy, as well as the importance of its return.


More on Prof. Valverde can be found at

Kieu Linh Caroline Valverde
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